Democratic Public Suicide
Senator Barbara Boxer continues to slide down the grassy-knoll of irrelevancy, Senator Joe Biden retains the title of biggest Congressional blow-hard, and Senator John Kerry is the worst poor loser since Woody Hayes. Watching these three Democrats (all wholly owned subsidiaries of the Michael Moore wacko camp) cajole and criticize Condoleeza Rice during her confirmation hearings today was maddening at best, and sickening at worst. Of course, Rice handled herself as one would expect, making the contrast between whining, spoiled children and mature, serious grown-up even clearer. There is no doubt that she will be confirmed as our nation's next Secretary of State, so this political sideshow is simply another attempt by the Left to throw a wrench in the gears of the Bush administration. Even Senator Diane Feinstien, not by any stretch a conservative, or even marginal Bush supporter (except for a few issues), looked pained and embarrassed by her colleagues. And well she should. What she, and the country were watching today is the continued public suicide of the Democratic Party. As the liberals lose their base (black and Hispanic support, conservative union workers, women, and young people) the scent of desperation is strong as they frantically attempt to hold on to at least a couple groups: anti-war radicals and election conspiracy nuts. With no hope of derailing this incredibly qualified candidate, Boxer, Biden, and Kerry exhausted their questioning time for the benefit of these bases, not the American people. The Democratic constituencies are dwindling. . . Keep this up, Democrats, and then there will be none.
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