Thursday, July 14, 2005

CAIR's Campaign of Lies

It took nearly four years but the arrogantly stubborn, and dangerous, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has finally felt the heat of an angry backlash, and is launching a desperate public relations campaign that will attempt to convince America that Islam, after all, is a religion of peace. What's next? A full page New York Times ad from the Aryan Nation describing how it's members really don't hate blacks and Jews?

Since CAIR never does anything that is not related to its own self-interest, or more specifically the interests of radical Islam, the group must have gotten the message that Americans are sick of hearing about Islamic peace and tolerance. But if CAIR really believes a few slick commercials showing apparently mainstream Muslims condemning terrorism will sway rational thinking individuals from seeing the truth, they are as crazy as the wild-eyed mullahs that send homicide bombers into holy war against the Judeo-Christian West. Then again, they might think the rest of us infidels are simply idiots.

In the ads, CAIR claims that "Islam is not about hatred and violence. It's about peace and justice". Try telling that to the victims of nearly 3000 individual Islamic terrorist attacks that have occurred around the world just since 9/11, or to the millions of Christians, Jews, and other religious followers who are persecuted, prosecuted and executed in Islamic nations simply for going to a different church, or try to refute the fact that while not all Muslims are terrorists, all terrorists tend to be Moslems. Name any Islamic country, and there you will find a level of religious bigotry, intolerance, violent reprisal, and vindictive hatefulness against non-believers unparalleled in recent history. Collectively, the state-sponsored religiocentricity of modern Islamic nations makes the Crusades and the Inquisition look positively tolerant by comparison.

The ads also try to tweak those who have been stunned by the deafening silence from the Islamic world when it comes to terrorism. "We often hear claims Muslims don't condemn terrorism and that Islam condones violence", CAIR says in the ad, "and we want to state clearly that those who commit acts of terror in the name of Islam are betraying the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad". Have not these people read their own religious texts? What the Quran does not address regarding a Muslims duty to kill everyone who will not subjugate to Islam, Muhammad's own words in the Hadith makes very clear. Don't believe it? Read it yourself. Since most Americans have never read the Constitution or Shakespeare, let alone the Quran and Hadith, CAIR assumes its audience can be so easily duped. And please, save me the comparisons between the Christian New Testament and these other books. When it comes to flat-out mayhem, wife-beating, adultery, calls for death and destruction against one's enemies, and creative methods of murder and torture, Jesus just can't hold a candle to Muhammad.

CAIR also complains that the religion has been hijacked by "criminals" who have misinterpreted the teachings of Islam, and that only a small number of Moslems are involved in either the acts of terror, or who give support to the terrorists. "We refuse to allow our faith to be held hostage by the criminal actions of a tiny minority". Such pretty words, but CAIR itself is an organization with a very questionable stand on terrorism. CAIR's leaders initially denied that Osama bin Laden was even involved in the 9/11 massacre, but was finally embarrassed into acknowledging his role three months later. In 1993, CAIR called the conviction of the original Trade Center bombers a "travesty of justice", and the conviction of the mastermind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman a "hate crime". CAIR has also been directly involved with The Holy Land Foundation, which was ultimately found to be collecting money for the terrorist group Hamas, and shut down. In fact, Steven Pomerantz, the FBI's former chief of counterterrorism, has concluded that "CAIR, its leaders and its activities effectively give aid to international terrorist groups".

While CAIR has excelled at quickly claiming Islamophobia and coming to the defense of every Muslim accused of a crime, no matter how heinous, the group's own stand on religious freedom has been even more suspect. During a May, 1998 CAIR-sponsored event, several featured speakers made anti-Semitic statements, including calling Jews "the descendents of the apes". Two months later, CAIR Chairman Omar M. Ahmad told a crowd of California Muslims that "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth".

While the group may try to appeal to generally tolerant Americans and fool those gullibly raised on the fantasy that all religions are the same, these two incidents are more illustrative of CAIR's, and Islamic, true beliefs.

But then, according to the Quran, lying to the infidel is a Muslim duty (Sura 66:2).


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