Thursday, February 09, 2006

Confusing Muhammad With Jesus...

Moslems around the world riot in favor of destroying the freedom of the press and murdering those who practice it, and organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations still try to convince the rest of us that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance.

Who do these Moslems think they are fooling? How stupid, naive and malleable do they believe us to be?

To understand Islam's cynical attempts to pull the burkha over our heads, one need only read the messages carried by Moslem protestors as they wreak havoc over cartoons that dare portray Muhammad. One man holds a handprinted sign declaring Islam a religion of peace and tolerance, and next to him is another man holding aloft a banner that calls for the death of anyone who fails to "respect" Muhammad.

The dichotomy should be perplexing to those in the crowd, but Islam's religiocentric arrogance allows both concepts to live in harmony. In that world, peace and tolerance are severely conditional, afforded mainly based on a person's particular adherence to Islam, and excluding anyone who might disagree or choose to worship differently. Peace, in Islam's twisted reckoning, is a world full of Moslems, worshipping five times a day from mosques in every town of every nation, subjugated under Sharia law, and held to religious compliance by roving gangs of belief police who take orders from Imams they believe are a direct conduit for the voice of Allah. Tolerance, as practiced by imams and mullahs, is when you mercifully receive only twenty lashes for shaving your beard, or failing to walk far enough behind your husband, or listening to the Rolling Stones on a banned CD player. When it comes to infidels, such as Christians and Jews and Sikhs, real tolerance and acceptance does not exist in any Islamic nation today.

Both protestor's messages also serve another more ominous purpose, that being a concerted effort by the Islamic world to send one message to its followers and another message to the gullibly weak West. The typical Moslem knows very well the sinister aims of the religion, namely to replace every other belief with Islam, using violence as a necessary adjunct towards that purpose. But in the West, so desperate to "understand" Islam and unable to grasp its dark nature, yearn for pleasant platitudes about peace and tolerance. After all, how could over a billion people follow a hateful religion? It must be that just a few Moslems have gone off track.

Such rationalization makes it easier for some to sleep at night.

No less eager than the rest of Islam for the day when everyone is forced to submit to Allah, CAIR knows that coverage of frenzied savages in the process of rejecting basic human freedoms is bad press. CAIR spokesman Rabiah Ahmed, reaching deep into his bag of tricks to quell increasing concern about Islam's place in a civilized world, said "We are concerned that people are not responding the way the prophet Muhammad would want. He was the kind of person who would turn the other cheek if someone slapped him. He preached love and tolerance."

Rabiah, you are thinking of Jesus, who did in fact preach peace and love. If Muhammad was alive today, he would be doing what he always did and supported.

Killing infidels, wherever he found them.


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