Middle East Peace a Fantasy
According to Palestinian security officials, it took all of just over two weeks for Hezbollah to find yet another crazed Moslem willing to blow himself to pieces and take a few Jews with him. Immediately, serious-looking representatives from the Palestinian Authority condemned the attack "in the strongest possible terms". Saeb Erekat, the regimes chief negotiator, said that the unknown bombers were "attempting to sabotage all efforts being exerted to revive the peace process". And he sounded so sincere, too, but Moslems are often instructed from a very young age in the skills of lying to the infidel.
If past history is any guide, the PA knows exactly who is responsible, and today's bombing most likely comes with the express support of the Authority itself. After all, Abbas, like his pedophiliac predecessor Yassar Arafat, is a hard-core terrorist supporter. He was one of the founders of Fatah, the Palestinian Liberation Organization's largest terrorist faction. During his recent political campaign, while his opponents were being threatened and shot at, Abbas was campaigning with members of the al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade, and riding on the shoulders of Zakaria Zubeidi, a notorious terrorist and one of Israel's most wanted men. In December, he traveled to Syria to meet with members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and later his Foreign Minister Nabil Sha'ath reported that there were "no differences in objectives" between the terrorist groups and the Palestinian Authority. He has vowed to shelter terrorists from Israeli justice, and indicated an unwillingness to clamp down on terrorism. During his campaign, Abbas said that he would continue to seek the dreams of Arafat, and force the Israelis back to 1949 borders, eliminate all Jewish settlements, tear down the highly effective security fence, and make Jerusalem the Palestinian capital. But this is not all he pursues or believes in, and his philosophical agreement with the world's largest terrorist organizations makes this clear. From a moral perspective, the "moderate" Abbas has made no secret of his belief that terrorism is justifiable, if such action is intended to support a greater cause. For Palestinians, and for Moslems in general, that cause is the progressive degeneration, leading to the ultimate destruction, of Israel as a country.
Sharon and the Israeli government know what Abbas and the Palestinians really hope to achieve with a cease-fire: time to regroup and re-arm for the next intifada. But pressure from the U.S. State Department and an Administration inexplicably blinded from seeing the true nature of the Islamic threat, and coupled with an invasion of secular Jewish peace freaks into the country in recent years, forces Israel into actions against its own interests time and time again. As Israel struggles to maintain the peace, under the critical eye of a world against them, Palestinian surrogates like Hezbollah are free to murder, maim and destroy at will, and any self-defensive actions by Israel will be universally criticized. And through it all, Abbas and his representatives will express great moral outrage and pledge to bring the terrorists to account. But no arrests will ever be made, and no terrorists will ever be brought to justice, unless an Israeli missile finds its target.
There is the stink of murder on the Palestinians, but even worse, the stink of self-destruction on Israel. Appeasement will only lead to more dead Jews, and stronger enemies. Instead of mustering its substantial military might, and destroying those who threaten her, Israel's leaders reach out in friendship to terrorists like Abbas, in a fantasy of peaceful co-existence that will never come.
As the Palestinian regime gains strength, Israeli existence is a dead man walking.