Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ten Reasons Why Liberals Can't Stand Thanksgiving

Ten Reasons Why Liberals Can't Stand Thanksgiving:

1. Millions of dead babies is a civil right, but millions of dead turkeys is a holocaust.

2. Pilgrims were Christian fundamentalists.

3. Having a national holiday to thank God for our blessings violates the separation of church and state.

4. Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday, and anything American has got to be bad.

5. If all the money people selfishly spend to gorge themselves on Thanksgiving was instead confiscated by the government and given to the poor, what a better world this would be.

6. Families travelling by car and plane to visit relatives drastically increases pollution levels, and therefore hastens global warming and world-wide climactic catastrophe.

7. In our sexist society, women are forced into the kitchen to cook and clean for hours while men watch football and drink beer.

8. None of the Pilgrims were black, gay, or had abortions.

9. Why celebrate the arrival of the white man, who eventually stole the continent from the peaceful, environmentally friendly Indians?

10. Thanksgiving takes attention away from the UN's International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, on November 25.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Sorry, Dems. No Great Victory Here...

How desperate for electoral success the Democrats must be to celebrate this last mid-term election. Certainly, Democratic gubernatorial candidates in New Jersey and Virginia won the election, but both merely replaced other Democrats, and Tim Kaine's win in Virginia puts a Democrat with Republican moral, fiscal, and social values in office. Reading Kaine's issue positions is like reading much of the Republican platform: strong support for the Second Amendment, opposition to abortion, fiscal responsibility, and recognition of rights as coming from God and not man. Hardly the far-left political ideas that define today's Democrats. The only question one can ask is how this man ever became an acceptable candidate for the Democratic party in the first place.

In California, the rejection of four "reform" ballot measures is also not so much indicative of Democratic success, even in this Democratic state, but more the result of an overwhelming amount of money spent by the unions and special interests in Sacramento, and a general discontent with Governor Schwarzenegger. This discontent is also found among Republicans, who rightfully view the Governor as a wishy-washy conservative at best, and a stealth Democrat at worst. It was the loss of support from this group, who were neither inspired or motivated enough by Schwarzenegger to even go vote, that most likely made the difference. Just look at Republican Orange County's 27% voter decline from the last election, and it is evident that conservatives just did not show up.

Republicans can also take solace in the likely event that Democrats, who gleefully believe that President Bush is just weeks away from full-blown political meltdown, will become even more emboldened and confident. And cocky. The last time this happened, Bush spanked John Kerry by four million votes.

Democrats have been slapped down at the ballot box so often in recent years, even this non-win must look good to them. However, since liberalism is a mental illness, they will be unable to rationally recognize what this election really means.
