Thursday, September 01, 2005

Public Breakdown

With President Bush having left his ranch in Crawford, TX to lead the hurricane recovery efforts in the Gulf States area, Cindy Sheehan and her liberal freak show have taken down the tents and headed for Washington, DC. While she disgraced herself with proclamations that became increasingly bizarre and conspiratorial (and anti-Jewish), the shameless left was able to wring every ounce of Bush-hatred from the "event". In the end, we were simply watching Sheehan's hysterical nervous breakdown take place on national television, and the old-school media and radical left organizers were thrilled to promote her.
Under normal circumstances, most Americans would have felt pity and sympathy for a woman who had lost her son, but Sheehan is not pitiable. She has become, and probably always was, a raving lunatic transformed not by grief for her lost son, but by seething Bush-rage, and is most likely a danger to herself and those around her. While there is nothing that can tarnish the memory and ultimate sacrifice of her boy, a soldier who did his duty, it is hard to understand how such honor and integrity could spring from such a disgrace.
Casey must have taken after his father.


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